b i s h o n e n i n k:
our holiday special 2003

b e l i e v e

:: Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus ::
...do you believe?

click on a letter above to read a story, or follow the links below.

B * (prize so dear, by llamajoy, suikoden ii) * 5.dec.03
E * (Abiding in the Field, by Tenshi, Suikoden III) * 9.dec.03
L (at the closing of the year, by llamajoy, lord of the rings) * 13.dec.03
I (himmlische, by llamajoy, xenogears) * 17.dec.03
E (ihmissusi, by llamajoy, traces of the beast) * 19.dec.03
V (snowfall, by llamajoy, xenogears) * 23.dec.03
E (A Pair of Silver Doves, by Tenshi, Songbirds) * 24.dec.03

(( back to christmas main ))

prize so dear * suiko2 * llamajoy * 5 december  Abiding in the Field * Suiko3 * Tenshi * 9
December at the closing of the year * lord of the rings *
llamajoy * 13 december himmlische * xenogears * llamajoy * 17 december ihmissusi * traces of the beast * llamajoy * 19
december snowfall * xenogears * llamajoy * 23 december A Pair of Silver Doves * Songbirds * Tenshi * 24 December